Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan

Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan

The Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan has been produced by Beyond Zero Emissions, a non-profit, independent climate change solutions research and advocacy group as part of the Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Project (ZCA2020). It provides a ten year roadmap for a transition to 100% renewable energy in Australia with baseload energy supplied by renewable sources. The stationary energy sector… Continue reading Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan


Solar power

Knoxfield house 2.4 kW array

Solar power is produced from the sun with zero carbon emissions. Let’s face it, the sun has been producing energy for billions of years. Here is some history of its use by humanity. Solar Energy and Power Solar energy is the light and heat from the Sun that has been harnessed by humans since ancient times… Continue reading Solar power


Wind power

Bald Hills wind farm

Wind power provides renewable energy with large wind turbines generating electricity. Wind turbines are generally grouped into wind farms and connected to the electrical grid. Wind power is variable so energy storage or other dispatchable generation energy sources are needed to provide a reliable supply of electricity. Small wind systems have also increased in popularity. Hybrid solar/wind systems… Continue reading Wind power


Energy saving tips

With climate change now an acknowledged problem, many people are keen to know what they can do as individuals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are several measures you can take to reduce your “carbon footprint” without compromising your lifestyle. You can reduce the energy used in your home (or office) and your carbon footprint… Continue reading Energy saving tips


Strengthening Victoria’s new solar laws

Suggested legislative amendments to the Brumby Government’s solar legislation. On Monday May 5th 2008 the Brumby Government released some details of its much anticipated solar feed-in tariff. The announcement was met with extreme disappointment by the 40-odd community groups, businesses, unions and councils that had been campaigning for and supporting effective solar lawsi. If the… Continue reading Strengthening Victoria’s new solar laws


Victoria’s new solar laws

The Brumby government in Victoria, Australia, announced the impending introduction of new Feed in tariff legislation in May 2008 following and election promise in 2006 to introduce it. While the intention to encourage clean energy production from solar panels was good, the initial structure of Victoria’s proposed feed in tariff did not achieve this. Amendments to the… Continue reading Victoria’s new solar laws


Safety Bulletin – Floods and household solar panels

Solar array, Knoxfield house

IMPORTANT: Even if your utility company has cut the power to your property, your solar power system still has the potential to give you a lethal electric shock if it has been affected by a flood. Although the fire and rescue services will assist during a flood, it is recommended that you follow the steps below… Continue reading Safety Bulletin – Floods and household solar panels


Knox Leisure Works

Knox Leisure Works solar panels

The Knox Leisure Works in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs has been retrofitted with a large solar array. The solar array and system was designed by RJM Sunpower; the Clean Energy Council has announced that Robert McCauley of RJM Sunpower has won an Award for Excellence for the “design and installation greater than 5kW Stand-alone power system”. The goal of the project… Continue reading Knox Leisure Works
