Victoria’s Native Forests – State of Play

David Lindenmayer Sue McKinnon, Aawa White and Sophie Torney

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 7:30pm – 9:00pm Location: Balwyn Park Centre, 206A Whitehorse Road, Balwyn Event held by: Lighter Footprints Logging is ending in Victoria in 2023. This is undoubtedly positive news, but many of Victoria’s forests continue to be at risk. The speakers at this community event: combined their scientific expertise and experiential knowledge… Continue reading Victoria’s Native Forests – State of Play


Silvia Creek forest

Sylvia Creek court case, 19 Sep 2011

The forests at Sylvia Creek, near Toolangi, were partially logged by VicForests, a Victorian State Government owned enterprise. This forest is one of the few old forests in the area to survive the Black Saturday bushfires. The forest includes mountain ash trees which were home to the endangered Leadbeater’s possum, Victoria’s animal emblem. Most of these… Continue reading Silvia Creek forest


Little Red Toolangi Treehouse

Little Red Toolangi Treehouse

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse is a treehouse erected in Toolangi State Forest as a protest against the ongoing logging of native forest in the region sanctioned by the Victorian state government. The tree house is located off the Sylvia Creek road close to the Sylvia Creek forest. External links


East Gippsland forest protection report 2007

Yalmy forest, East Gippsland

Author: Peter Campbell Date of forest visit: 14 – 16 April 2007 Report issue date: Wednesday, 5 September 2007 Version: Final, v1.0 Executive summary This report assesses some of the forest areas in East Gippsland that were announced for protection during the 2006 Victorian State Election campaign. The purpose of this report is to assess… Continue reading East Gippsland forest protection report 2007


Brown Mountain old growth forest

Stump of Brown Mountain old growth tree logged in November 2008, radiocarbon dated at over 500 years old. Photo: Jill Redwood

The wonderful old growth forest of Brown Mountain in East Gippsland is now being logged. There are more than 50 trees over 300 years old in this area of forest, which is adjacent to Errinundra National Park. One logged tree has been radiocarbon dated to over 500 years old. Many more trees between 500 and 800 years… Continue reading Brown Mountain old growth forest


Australian Forests and Climate Alliance

Tasmanian forest, credit: Rob Blakers

The Australian Forests and Climate Alliance (AFCA) met in Canberra, Australia, on 29-30 January 2009. This is the Vision and Policy Principles Document. Vision Protecting Australia’s native forests and woodlands and making deep cuts in fossil fuel and industrial emissions are vital to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Native forests play a crucial role in the… Continue reading Australian Forests and Climate Alliance


Green carbon

Brown Mountain old growth Shining Gum tree.

Australia’s native forests store three times as much carbon as previously thought and could hold the key to tackling climate change, according to a researchers. A report released in August 2008 has found the eucalypt forests of south-east Australia – stretching from Queensland through NSW and Victoria and into Tasmania – store the equivalent of… Continue reading Green carbon


Australian Forest and Climate Alliance calls on Federal Government to support Tasmanian forest solution

The Australian Forest and Climate Alliance (AFCA) calls on Federal Government to support the Tasmanian forest solution. November 2010 AFCA has sent letters to the Minister for Environment, Minister for Forestry and Minister for Climate Change calling on them to fully support the peace deal struck between conservations and the logging industry in Tasmania in October 2010.… Continue reading Australian Forest and Climate Alliance calls on Federal Government to support Tasmanian forest solution


Forests the new front for climate solution

Tasmanian forest, credit: Rob Blakers

Media release 31 January, 2009 FORESTS THE NEW FRONT FOR CLIMATE SOLUTION: AUSTRALIAN FOREST AND CLIMATE ALLIANCE Over seventy representatives from forest groups around Australia have met in Canberra, forming the Australian Forest and Climate Alliance (AFCA) and calling for federal leadership on forest protection to mitigate climate change. Peak environment groups, local and regional forest protection… Continue reading Forests the new front for climate solution
