Victoria’s new solar laws

The Brumby government in Victoria, Australia, announced the impending introduction of new Feed in tariff legislation in May 2008 following and election promise in 2006 to introduce it. While the intention to encourage clean energy production from solar panels was good, the initial structure of Victoria’s proposed feed in tariff did not achieve this. Amendments to the… Continue reading Victoria’s new solar laws


Feed in tariff

Notice in The Age about Victorian feed in tariff, August 2008

A feed in tariff provides a fair price for solar electricity generated on rooftops and fed into the electricity grid. Moving towards renewable energy is an essential means of addressing climate change, and solar photovoltaic (PV) micro-generation has an important role to play in boosting renewable energy. By offering a premium price for electricity generated on rooftops… Continue reading Feed in tariff


Australian national feed in tariff

Submission from Lighter Footprints Climate Change Action Group RENEWABLE ENERGY (ELECTRICITY) AMENDMENT (FEED-IN-TARIFF) BILL 2008 To: Committee Secretary Lighter Footprints is a local climate change action group with 300 supporters from in and around postcode 3127 in Melbourne. This submission is endorsed and authorised by Lighter Footprints and issued on behalf of our supporters.… Continue reading Australian national feed in tariff
