CEN Eddington report submission

Monash freeway traffic June 2008

Introduction The Climate Emergency Network (CEN) represents 12 groups around Victoria who in turn represent thousands of people who believe more urgent and profound action needs to be taken to prevent the economic, social and ecological collapses being caused by climate change. The CEN welcomes the opportunity to comment on the East-West Links Needs Assessment… Continue reading CEN Eddington report submission



Freiburg Vauban from the air

On the road to sustainabilityTransport and carfee living in Freiburg Author: Steve Melia, Faculty of the Built Environment, UWE, Bristol (published with permission from author) Introduction At a time when the modal share of private cars was increasing across the developed world, Freiburg in southwest Germany has attracted growing interest as a city which successfully ‘bucked… Continue reading Freiburg
