Paris is undergoing transformation to embrace sustainable transport as infrastructure built for cars is replaced by infrastructure for cycling and walking. External links
Greenlivingpedia is a resource for creating and sharing information and collaborating to lighten our footprint on the planet and live in harmony with nature and our environment.
Paris is undergoing transformation to embrace sustainable transport as infrastructure built for cars is replaced by infrastructure for cycling and walking. External links
All of the below vehicles produce some emissions. For more information see Comparison of Transport Fuels Report. Gas conversions If you already own a petrol car:
TravelSmart maps provide information about traveling by bicycle, public transport and on foot within regions – often based on local government boundaries. Unfortunately there is no central website for accessing these maps across Australia. is no longer available. Rail Trails Australia Rail Trails Australia has information and maps for cycling or walking Australia’s wonderful rail… Continue reading Travel smart maps
The Eddington report issued in April 2008 focussed on east-west travel challenges within Melbourne, Australia. The following recommendations were made in the report: Recommendation 1 Planning work should commence for the staged construction of a new 17 kilometre Melbourne Metro rail tunnel linking Melbourne’s booming western and south-eastern suburbs and providing a major increase in the capacity… Continue reading Eddington report recommendations
There are many options for Personal urban transport for moving around cities and towns. Walking Walking is a slow but natural form of transport. It also provides very good exercise that doesn’t put too much stress on your body. Advantages: Disadvantages: Running Running can be used as an urban transport option but it is difficulty to carry… Continue reading Personal urban transport
The conventional car industry is now in sharp decline across the world while consumer demand for zero or low emissions green cars is rising fast. Electric vehicles are now the most popular option. The pseudo-freedom and autonomy offered by cars has largely become an accepted part of life for many in developed countries but is becoming less… Continue reading Green cars
Some options for green sports and recreation to reduce and minimise your environmental impact are list below. While nearly every form of sport are recreation needs primary products and embodied energy for manufactured items, and often involves some car (or airplane) travel to get around, you can make choices to reduce your enviromental impact. External links
A congestion tax is levied on vehicles in urban areas where high vehicle usage is judged to be causing excessive pollution and traffic congestion. Congestion charges have been in place in a number of other major cities notably including London, Berlin, and Singapore. New York City investigated a similar plan but didn’t have the courage to legislate.… Continue reading Congestion tax
This letter was sent as a submission on behalf of the listed Bicycle User Groups on Tuesday 8 June 2010. Dear Minister Pallas and Premier Brumby, We, the undersigned Bicycle User Groups (BUGs), wish to draw to your attention to the opportunities outlined in this letter for improving the safety and utility of cycling and… Continue reading Bicycle route naming and signs standards
This proposal was published in 2006. Background Bicycle travel is a healthy and environmentally sustainable mode of transport in urban areas. Safe cycling routes encourage people to travel by bicycle. This is a proposal to create the “Eastern Rail Trail” (ERT) to improve east-west cycle travel through the Cities of Boroondara and Whitehorse in eastern… Continue reading Hawthorn to Box Hill Cycle Trail