Very fast trains

Transrapid train near Bremen in Germany

Very fast trains (high speed rail) is a good option for modern rapid transit as they have lower carbon emissions per passenger trip than either road or air transport. Countries with very fast train networks include France, Japan, Italy, Germany, Taiwain, China, Korea and Spain. The United States has one high speed rail line that links… Continue reading Very fast trains


CEN Eddington report submission

Monash freeway traffic June 2008

Introduction The Climate Emergency Network (CEN) represents 12 groups around Victoria who in turn represent thousands of people who believe more urgent and profound action needs to be taken to prevent the economic, social and ecological collapses being caused by climate change. The CEN welcomes the opportunity to comment on the East-West Links Needs Assessment… Continue reading CEN Eddington report submission


Greening Australian Transport

Transrapid train near Bremen in Germany

This article provides information on greening Australian transport Assist in the early stage adoption of greener vehicles Ensure that regulations and incentives are in place to encourage the use of next gen green vehicles and green fuels. Support home refueling and re-charging of green vehicles including: Establish a Gaseous Refuelling Infrastructure for use by both buses… Continue reading Greening Australian Transport
