Alcoa Anglesea brown coal mine and power station

Anglesea power station

Alcoa owned both the Anglesea brown coal mine and power station. The power was used to supply Alcoa’s aluminium smelter at Point Henry close to Geelong. Alcoa shut down the smelter on 1 August 2014. The shutdown was announced in February after the company decided the ageing smelter was no longer financially viable. With a… Continue reading Alcoa Anglesea brown coal mine and power station


Australian coal exports

Australia exports coal for thermal (coal-fired power stations) and metallurgical (coking coal) uses to countries such as Japan, China and India. The following table summaries these coal exports: 2007 2008 CO2 emissions Thermal coal (mt) 112 120 288 Coking coal (mt) 135 140 238 Totals 260 525 Source: ABARE June 08 With a population of… Continue reading Australian coal exports


Categorised as Coal, Energy