Building energy efficiency standards

Building energy efficiency standards are regarded as an effective means of reducing or eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions of residential and commercial buildings. Australia National standards for building energy efficiency The Australian Government has conducted studies into the greenhouse gas emissions of residential and commercial buildings. These studies show that the building industry must face the… Continue reading Building energy efficiency standards


Solar hot water

Surrey Hills solar array and hot water panels photo

Solar hot water is water heated by the use of solar energy. Solar heating systems are generally composed of solar thermal collectors and a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage. Systems may use electricity for pumping the fluid, and have a reservoir or tank for heat storage and… Continue reading Solar hot water


Appliance energy efficiency standards

Energy rating 6 stars

Appliance energy efficiency standards inform consumers about the relative energy efficiency of appliances they are considering purchasing. Standards in Australia In Australia, energy labelling standards are in place for the following items: However, the following items currently do not have any energy labelling standards set yet: It is worth noting that some large screen plasma TVs consume more… Continue reading Appliance energy efficiency standards


Fridge facts

Using an energy efficient fridge is a significant action you can take to reduce your carbon emissions. Source: Building Better Lives, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Edition 27, June 2007 The Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Moreland Energy Foundation are running the Phoenix Fridges joint project to improved the efficiency of old fridges. Refugee trainee positions with the project are… Continue reading Fridge facts
