2011-2015 Victorian government scorecard


The Liberal-National coalition government led by Premier Ted Baillieu was elected on 27 November 2010.

This article provides a summary of policy comparisons between the government and other parties on various issues.

IssueBaillieu GovernmentLaborGreens
Cattle grazing in Alpine National ParkReintroduced as “trial to mitigate bushfire risk”OpposeOppose
Grand prix at Albert ParkSupport, $50m public funding disclosedSupport, public funding undisclosedOppose
Desalination plantSupportSupportOppose
Desalination plant contract disclosureElection promise, not yet deliveredOpposeSupport
Logging native forestsSupportSupportOppose
Logging water catchmentsSupportSupportOppose
VicForests government commercial logging of native forestsSupportReviewOppose
North South pipelineWill not useSupportOppose
Bay dredgingSupportSupportOppose
Doncaster rail lineStudy in progressOpposeSupport
Airport rail lineStudy in progressOpposeSupport
Rowville rail lineReviewed. Not proceeding.[1]UnknownSupport
More dams for Melbourne water supplySupportOpposeOppose
Myki ticket systemReviewed. Support.SupportUnknown
Melbourne urban growth expansion[2]SupportSupportOppose
Unlimited rights to religious organisations to discriminate[3]SupportOpposeOppose
HRL new coal-fired power station in Latrobe Valley[4][5]SupportSupportOppose
Target 155 water restrictions for Melbourne[6]ScrappedSupportUnknown
Regional Rail LinkReviewed. SupportSupportUnknown
Brown coal exports[7]ReviewingAbandonedOppose
Public Transport AuthorityElection promise – not yet deliveredOpposeSupport
Tertiary education and training ombudsman[8]Election promise – not yet deliveredOpposeUnknown
Teacher pay rates[9]“Best paid teachers in Australia” election promise – not deliveredOpposeUnknown
Community workers pay rise[10]Election promise – not deliveredUnknownUnknown
Bastion Point breakwater development[11]ReviewingSupportOpppose
Use of speed cameras[12]Criticised usage during election campaign. Reviewing usage. Election promise to publish locationsSupportUnknown
Restrictions of wind farms[13]Legislation for objectors to block windfarms if they live within 2kmOpposeOppose
Government appointments for mates[14]Criticised in Opposition, support in GovernmentCriticised in Opposition, support in GovernmentOppose
Coal seam gas exploration in Victoria[15]SupportUnknownOppose
Geothermal power plant construction at Gherang[16]SupportUnknownOppose
Expansion of Anglesea coal mine by 600 hectares[17]SupportSupportOppose
Improved transparency in Government decision making[18]Election commitment, not yet deliveredOpposed (when in Government). Support in OppositionSupport.
Developer fast track through VCAT[19]SupportUnknownOppose
Firewood collection in National Parks[20]SupportOpposeOppose
Fees removed for firewood collection on public land[21]SupportUnknownOppose
Land development at Ventnor, Phillip Island[22]Support, then backflipOpposeOppose
Carbon tax[23]OpposeSupportSupport
Single anti-corruption authority[24]Election promise, not yet deliveredOpposeUnknown
Ministerial accountability and Code of Conduct[25][26]Promised in opposition, not honoured in governmentAmbiguousSupport
Victorian state emission reduction targets[27][28]Targets changed to “aspirational”, then reduced from 20% to 5%20% reductions by 2020Unknown.
EmploymentCommitted to budget surplus with no stimulus spending[29]UnknownUnknown.
Green building 6 star ratingElection commitment to retain 6 stars, now in doubt.[30]Support 6 starsSupport 6 star
Development in national parksProposal to allow commercial development[31]OpposeOppose
Environment policyElection commitment, not delivered[32]PublishedPublished.


  1. Monash Uni train line plan derailed
  2. No ‘we are full’ sign for Melbourne, The Age, 7 March 2011
  3. Religious groups to regain bias rights, The Age
  4. Power plant plan stalls over design
  5. Emissions reduction: Greenies hit out at secrecy over Victorian power plant, Crikey
  6. Minister turns off tap on Target 155
  7. Baillieu coal export push
  8. State could drop private college watchdog pledge, The Age
  9. Baillieu to renege on teacher pay, The Age
  10. Baillieu breaks second pay pledge, The Age
  11. Pressure ramps up to dump Labor’s breakwater project, The Age
  12. Victorian Coalition and Speed Cameras, The Age
  13. Victorian Government Reveals Wind Farm Bans, The Age
  14. Baillieu in hot water over ‘jobs for mates’, The Age
  15. Coal seam gas: Is Victoria next?, The Weekly Times
  16. ‘Why were we the last to know?’, The Age
  17. Alcoa mine could take heritage heathland, The Age
  18. Spring Street lashed for stonewalling, The Age
  19. Rich jump planning queue, The Age
  20. Anger over firewood collection plan, ABC News
  21.  Firewood fee given the chop, The Age
  22. Starlet Miley Cyrus tweets, government scraps development plan , The Age
  23. No carbon tax now: Baillieu, The Age
  24. Legislation delays to hold up anti-corruption body, The Age
  25. Peter Ryan backed adviser Tristan Weston under OPI scrutiny, The Australian
  26. Baillieu attacked over ministerial code of conduct, The Age
  27. Victorian Climate Change Act 2010, DSE
  28.  Carbon target scrapped, The Age
  29. 27,000 jobs down the drain, The Age
  30. Green rating backflip, The Age
  31. National parks to be opened up for development, Kim Wells, The Age
  32. Emperor’s new policy, The Age
