Quotes on 2009 Victorian bushfires

Steels Creek house damaged by bushfires in the Kinglake complex

These are quotes relating to the 2009 Victorian bushfires which occurred on Saturday 7 February 2009 and were the worst bushfires in Australia’s history, surpassing both the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983 and the Black Friday fires in 1939. Senator Bob Brown Greens leader 8/02/2009 Higher temperatures, due to climate change, would fuel a greater number of bushfires… Continue reading Quotes on 2009 Victorian bushfires


Mandatory Renewable Energy Target

RET small scale renewable energy scheme

A Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) is a government legislated requirement on electricity retailers to source specific proportions of total electricity sales from renewable energy sources according to a fixed timeframe. The additional cost is distributed across most customers by increases in other tariffs. The cost of this measure is therefore not funded by government budgets, except… Continue reading Mandatory Renewable Energy Target
