Australian coal exports

Australia exports coal for thermal (coal-fired power stations) and metallurgical (coking coal) uses to countries such as Japan, China and India.

The following table summaries these coal exports:

20072008CO2 emissions
Thermal coal (mt)112120288
Coking coal (mt)135140238

Source: ABARE June 08

With a population of 21.4 million people in Australia, coal exports equate to carbon emissions 24.6 tonnes per annum per person.

Australia coal exports are worth $55 billion per annum.

These figures are not counted as part of Australia’s emissions under either Kyoto or UNFCCC.

This raises so many questions about our Australia’s responsibility, such as:

How can politicians in Australia criticise China and India as major emitters, and justify this for not pursuing our Kyoto responsibility. Australia, the largest exporter of coal in the world , is selling them the coal they are burning.

The United States is a large coal user domestically, but actually much lower exporter.

See also


Categorised as Coal, Energy